Thursday, June 23, 2016

Bill Nye The Science Guy EXPOSED as an actor (BILL NYE THE GMO GUY)

Bill Nye The Science Guy EXPOSED as an actor (BILL NYE THE GMO GUY)


Published on Jun 6, 2016
This video might help you on your search for truth. Bill Nye the Science Guy was a character for a TV comedy sketch show called Almost LIVE! and was picked up by our typical NASA hustlers as a REAL PERSON. A REAL SCIENTIST. It was a skit like Pee Wee Herman or Wayne's World. He is now used by the Government to push American lies and to help major corporations be trusted. He is obviously a shill or not to smart to flip flop on something like GMO. Bill Nye is a FUNNY GUY not a SCIENCE GUY. See Chelsea drill him on GMO at the end of this video. Please share and sub.
Don't believe me, just search 1989 or 1990 Bill Nye Almost Live and you will find the connection.

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