Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I love this zetetic cosmology and zeteticism.

Originally shared by Dumuzi (shep)

I love this zetetic cosmology and zeteticism... the zetetic eye or eye of Goddess just feels right... and you better believe Jeffrey Grupp is a genius and knows the scientific method of inquiry and therefore what's going on around town... and indeed, as you can see, I'm back to my sun worshipping avatar, but that sun halo is so bloody telling about the firmament... hey, even the father of naza, and worlds smartest rocket scientist; Werner Von Braun, has psalm 19:1 engraved on his tombstone... what's psalm 19:1 you ask knowing I do not support the babble and just want to prove a point?... psalm 19:1 kjv states: "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."!!... saay whaaaaat?... 😲😨😓... ya, that's right, ol nazi nasa starter himself, dropping hints from the grave... (emperors voice) - I'm afraid your pitiful conventional thrusters and non nuclear warheads are no match for the powers of a dome sky ceiling young sky walker... 😛😂... the earth is flat and space doesn't exist btw fyi... quote me on it... 💪
Zeteticism Vol 1-3 (2nd edition)

Vol 1:

Vol 2:

Vol 3:

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