Saturday, July 2, 2016

"The Illuminati Controls Everything"


  1. This was a great expose. Something in their perverted, twisted rules, says they have to "give notice".  So every time they plan on doing something to the public, they put all kinds of warnings in their movies, songs, etc...

    It is probably an "in your face" tactic.  They are constantly putting their evil plans out there in all kinds of movies. Some of the movies are so far out, science fiction, horror movies etc... most people do not even realize.

    There have been movies made about mind control, case in point, "The Manchurian Candidate."  The first version, was made in the early part of the twentieth century. Frank Sinatra was in the movie.

    It has now all been exposed, MK Ultra really did and does still exist. They have brainwashed thousands of people, probably  more.

    Then there is Mel Gibson's movie, 'Conspiracy Theory'. He knows all about what they are doing to us, just like we do. So he put all kinds of things in that movie.

    He talks about the fluoride in the water, the mind control, and the best part, he says, to the nuns who get in his cab, "Well you are in the right place, we just have to peel the "SCAB THAT IS THE VATICAN' OFF. 

    Mel is no dummy, for all his faults, (and we are all sinners and do really stupid stuff, especially when we are young; I know I did, so I am not judging him for his speech about them being the cause of all the wars.....

    Mel knows all about the infiltration of the Catholic Church, being affiliated with Hollywood, he knows far more than most of us do in regards to all the "controllers" are responsible for.

    He also made the movie of the running of drugs by the CIA during the Vietnam War. "Air America"   True story.

  2. Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment I truly wish we were not correct. This is a nightmare that never ends, not fiction. It will only end when Jesus has had enough, and Our Lady cannot hold His Hand back anymore.

    These temples to Baal, are really in  your face. When will they start sacrificing people to these temples?  Oh, that's right, how could I forget?  There are BILLIONS of SACRIFICES to satan every year, with abortion. I bet a lot of satanists  work in those abortion mills.


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