Saturday, June 23, 2018

So where exactly does it say FLAT EARTH in the bible?

So where exactly does it say FLAT EARTH in the bible?

Matthew's Bible 1537 - 2 Samuel, chapter 11, verse 11 (page141):

"And Urias said unto David: the ark and Israel & Juda dwell in pavilions: and my Lord Joab and the servants of my Lorde lye in tents upon the flat earthe: and should I then go into mine house, to eat and to drink & to lye with my wife? By thy life and as sure as thy soul liveth, I will not do that thing."
(edited for easier reading, please see original text below)

pdf version of the original Matthew's Bible 1537:

Online version:

Not enough? How about these 240+ Flat Earth bible verses:

special thanks to Paul Nasalies Thomas, Steven Neill and of course Nathan Roberts, author of Flat Earth Doctrine:

Candace Paprika Jenn Michael Alexandria Luke Scott Dean Maurizio Roger Shane Zane Johnny Terri Tina Tina Rebecca Otis Jan Michael Paul Paul Paul Nigel Cheryl Nathan Nathaniel Stéphane Carsten Angelo Cindy Cindy Earnest

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