Thursday, October 18, 2018

For people who think it's all a big coincidence.....

Originally shared by Niall Puirséil

For people who think it's all a big coincidence.....

......That the music industry are overtly Satanic,

that every other TV advert has winking, EYE flashing, EYE covering puppets,

that most movies show a "globe Earth" at the start,

that police wear 'chequered black & white' like on masonic lodge floors (duality).

that every country adopts the Judicial (Jewdicial) system of "law",

that Americans have to dial 911 (Revelations chapter which describes Lucifer falling from Heaven) - for their emergency services,

that UK residents have to dial 999 (the number of the beast inverted) - for their emergency services,

that taxpayers everywhere had to bail out the (Jew owned) banks,

that ALL historys' eminent "scientists" just HAPPEN to be freemasons,

that ALL "astronauts" just HAPPEN to be freemasons also,

that "churchmen" & 'politicians' constantly use occult hand signs & handshakes.


We've been lied to - research flat Earth!

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